

identifying and describing the characteristics and uses of geographic representations, such as various types of maps, globes, graphs, diagrams, photographs, and satellite-produced images

G-1A-E2 locating and interpreting geographic features and places on maps and globes
G-1A-E3 constructing maps, graphs, charts, and diagrams to describe geographical information and to solve problems
G-1B-E1 describing and comparing the physical characteristics of places, including land forms, bodies of water, soils, vegetation, and climate
SE-E-A1 understanding that an "ecosystem" is made of living and non-living components

identifying ways in which humans have altered their environment, both in positive and negative ways, either for themselves or for other living things


understanding that most plant and animal species are threatened or endangered today due to habitat loss or change


examining the habitats of plants and animals and determining how basic needs are met within each habitat


describing how the features of some plants and animals enable them to live in specific habitats

ELA-5-E2 locating and evaluating information sources (e.g., print materials, databases, CD-ROM references, Internet information, electronic reference works, community and government data, television and radio resources, audio and visual materials
ELA-5-E3 locating, gathering, and selecting information using graphic organizers, simple outlining, note taking, and summarizing to produce texts and graphics


using available technology to produce, revise, and publish a variety of works